Friday, February 22, 2008

Couple talk

Conversation in the Ong-Wood household:

Me: You know what they say about couples completing each others'...

Tubby Hubby: Sentences?

Me: Yeah. Isn't it weird that we also complete each other's...

TH: Songs?

Me: I mean, I sing de de dede...

TH: Everybody dance now!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day... not

Tubby Hubby (TH) and I have a non-aggression pact for Valentine's Day – no flowers, no expensive dinner, no contributing to the already-fat coffers of romance merchants.

"You're so unromantic. How can you not celebrate the day of love?" my starry-eyed colleagues asked me yesterday.

Very easily. It doesn't cost anything, money-wise, to fall in love so why should you have to pay to declare it?

Anyway, as TH says, every day is Valentine's Day for us. Now tell us we're not romantic...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Water ways

"The more I know you, the stranger you get," Tubby Hubby (TH) tells me.

Case in point: He and I were trekking along the Hong Kong trail. The guidebook promised us "half a dozen steep, rocky streams" but, because this is the dry season, all we saw were trickles.

I soon became obsessed with finding my holy grail - a proper stream , possibly a waterfall.

Then I thought I heard it...

Me (excitedly): "Listen, isn't that the sound of water trickling?"

TH didn't even bother to stop. "Nope, that's the sound of your water bottle sloshing."

And he was right. Sigh, I hate it when he knows me better than I know myself.