Thursday, December 27, 2007

A geeky Christmas

My handphone beeped. "Me wuv me Ricoh," was Tubby Hubby's (TH) SMS.

"Me wuv me iPod," I SMSed back.

It has come down to this. We have unwittingly become technosexuals.

This Christmas, TH's present to me was an iPod. And not just any iPod, mind you, it had to be the special limited-edition red Action for Aids nano (more for the colour than the cause, I regret to say).

And his, which he'd been hinting at for the longest time, was the new Ricoh GR-D II camera.

Sad to say, we have bought into this whole sexy technology stuff. Which means that, even sadder to say, we have massively overspent this month.

So my spiffy iPod is being housed in a S$1 pouch while his sexy Ricoh has to go naked for the moment. But who cares? Me wuv me iPod.


Stu Know said...

Ok Ok Ok, I KNOW you guys live in geeknology central and that judging by past performance you are both ultra compulsive when it comes to 'techie kit' but sadly I really MUST draw the line at the sexytech angle. Not on your iPod I hasten to add, very groovy indeed (Oh boy! have you fondled an iPhone yet? Wow-wee now that IS sexy)But that Ricoh 'THING' looks like it was designed and made in a former east European Communist block country out of recycled Trabants & Skodas. It may house sexytech but lummy is it UGLY. I think you both need some definition and focus on what techsexy actually is. The iPod? Certainly is. The Ricoh? Nope! NOT on your nelly!

Ivy Ong-Wood said...

oooh, TH is gonna pout for months if he reads that. must tell him now. hehehe

Foot Futt said...

How's the Ricoh??? :)