Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wife or mistress?

Phew! It's been a crazy, crazy month trying to set up home. That's the view from our new rooftop, by the way. I'll post more when my computer is up and running.

For a week, I had to sleep on the floor in our empty Hong Kong flat while Tubby Hubby (TH) lorded it out in his hotel room. Of course, I could have shared TH's room but then, what about the cat? She had been cooped up in a cage for more than 12 hours just so we could have her in Hong Kong so I wasn't about to leave her on her own in an empty flat. See? That's the cage she came in... it's tiny.

This hotel/flat arrangement suited us fine - except I felt like a mistress sometimes. TH would pop over to the flat for half an hour or so after work and then have to leave to go to this hotel or I would go over to his room, have a quick shower (our bathroom in the flat was woefully ill-equipped) and then leave. It felt more like a tryst than a visit and, by the end of the week, we were getting significant glances from the security guards on both ends.

Once, I asked for the key to TH's hotel room because he was out and I needed to pick something up. The guy at the desk asked me: "Who are you?" "I'm his wife," I squeaked indignantly. "Oh right, his wife," he said, a tad skeptically.

Guess who didn't get a tip when TH checked out then?!


angie said...

Hi Ivy,

I'm an avid reader of your 'Hits&Mrs' column in The New Paper. Your witty insight into married life had me chuckling many a time. Though I'm not married, many of the little stories you shared with us do sound familiar. I guess dealing with husbands or boyfriends aren't that different afterall haha. I was so disappointed when your column stopped but thank god you started this blog! Keep writing Ivy!

Ivy Ong-Wood said...

Thank you! It's been crazy lately setting up new home etc that I haven't been blogging but I will start doing it regularly again. Hopefully, you can get some idea about what it's like dealing with a husband and decide if marriage is worth it after all! :-)