Monday, August 20, 2007

Slowpoke meets Speedy Gonzales

Tubby Hubby (TH) is the most deliberate person I know. He never makes a decision without thinking it over at least three times and even then, would tell me: "Wait, don't be too hasty."

I, on the other hand, just can't wait to get things out of the way. Need to find a condo? See one in the morning, decide on it by the evening. There, all done – now I can sit back and relax.

TH ribs me on being too impulsive but even he had to admire my "faiti faiti" (Cantonese for "hurry up") personality recently. I was up in Hong Kong for a week and in that time, I found us a condo, opened a bank account, applied for two jobs and even located a vet for Bimbo the cat.

"At this rate, you would have adopted two babies by the first month," TH observes. "Not if you had any say in it," I retort.

I'm now back in Singapore so TH can finally relax. He can now take two hours to decide what sandwich to have without me bugging him.


Mark said...

Hey Ivy, Glad ur getting things settled. Lets catch up proper before you really really fly off, ok?? Cos once you go over, I'm not sure when we're ever gonna meet up again!

Ivy Ong-Wood said...

Yeah, am leaving Sept 5. On the same flight as the cat, hopefully. Give me a call when you're free. You're the busy doctor!

Stu Know said...

Hey Ivy,

Why have you stopped posting to your blog? Is HK really THAT fantastic? Let us know!