Saturday, July 28, 2007

Buy an original painting – save me from TH's smugness!

Tubby Hubby (TH) has two hobbies – photography and ancestry tracing – which he spends inordinate amounts of time and money on. Last time I went home to Malaysia for a weekend, he binge-bought $200 worth of scanned wills that may or may not have been his ancestors'.

"Why can't you find a useful hobby?" I ask. "Something that we can retire on?"

He does some stock photography ( but makes barely enough to cover the cost of a filter.

"A hobby isn't supposed to be useful," he retorts.

But he has the last laugh. I am taking up oil painting and the flat is filling up with lots of expensive canvases, covered in even-more-expensive paints, that are obviously going nowhere.

Anyone wants to buy an original Ong-Wood just so TH can stop looking so superior?


Stu Know said...

Yep, count me in . Anything, and i do mean ANYTHING to stop TH being so bleedin' smug. He's always been a bit that way inclined all the time I've known him!

It all stems from the moment he was awarded a Nakamichi Gold Owners Card. Smug G*t

Stu Know said...

Hey Ivy, can you post some pix of your paintings and perhaps we could start a bidding war.

IvyBay....hmm now that gives me an idea!