Monday, July 23, 2007

Hits and Mrs is alive!

Welcome folks! I see you have managed to navigate the intricate workings of the Internet to get to this blog. Bear with me as I am a virgin blogger so I'm going to muddle my way through.

I tried uploading a picture of Tubby Hubby (TH) here but it seems to keep giving me an error message. So those of you who are curious to know what he looks like will just have to wait a bit while I get some techie guy to sort it out for me.

Anyway, before you go, here's something that's been puzzling me all morning:

Anyone have any idea how that works? I'm sure it's something that can be explained statistically or something. Am going to bug wannabe-statistician TH when he comes home from work today.

1 comment:

xneiax said...

cos whatever no you use, the answer you get will always be a multiple of 9. so if you check the "chart", all the multiple of 9 has the same symbol. try it.

ps: I liked reading your column in the papers... Dun mind if I link you up..