Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My role models

That's my Mummy and Daddy. Aren't they sweet? They've been married for nearly 40 years now and I look to them to get an idea of what a good marriage should be.

What I've learnt:
  • Bickering doesn't mean divorce is imminent.
  • The wife is always right.
  • Love is washing the other's car.
  • A couple only needs two bank accounts: joint and hers.
  • Why say "I'm sorry" when a nudge will do?
  • Why say "I love you" when a packet of mee rebus will do?
I flew home recently and sat in the back seat while my parents bickered throughout the entire trip from the airport. Then nudged each other. Awww...


unknown said...

Hello there!
Love your column.. so glad to continue reading your musings on your blog. And yes, I agree with the things you have learnt esp the stuff about the bank accounts! :D

Ivy Ong-Wood said...

Thank you, thank you. Yeah, my mum taught me the bank account one. She's got one personal account plus quite a few fixed deposits that my dad doesn't know about. If he did , I'm sure he would have spent all the money by now!